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Do you need to balance all the parenting advice that is out there with what will work for you, your child, and your family?  I think the Montessori Method uses respect to balance out the relationship between parent and child and in doing so sets up a healthy lifelong relationship. If you would like to learn more about how A Montessori Nest can help you grow in our nest in order to build and tend to your own, then please contact us for a FREE 20 minute consultation. 


Weekly program for parent or caregiver and toddler aged 18 months to 3 years approximately.


Tuesdays 9-11am $25 per week


2025 program dates:

 Jan 14th - May 6th

No classes during Summer

Program resumes Aug 2025


Enroll at any time.


Private and personally tailored coaching or consulting for Montessori or general parenting, environment creation and curriculum design.


$75 per hour coaching

$85 per hour consultation​



Six week immersive Montessori at home course for parent and child

approximately 0 - 3 years old


 Saturday Classes

Start February 22nd

(No class March 15th and 22nd)



$175 per child

Snack and refreshments provided.


Photo Sep 17, 09 50 43.jpg

 Bespoke workshops and programs can be designed and delivered to suit the needs of you or your community.


You can register interest in any future workshops or use the contact us form to discuss something bespoke.



A weekly Infant circle for parents with infants under 1 year. Safe and varied toys and materials provided.


Thursdays 12:00-13:30

 15 week series delivered in

three 5 week sections

Jan 9th, Feb 13th and March 27th

Join at any time. $15 per class


Delivered through Longmont Recreation Services.

A Montessori Nest Family Community

Be part of a growing community of A Montessori Nest Families.

We meet for playgroups, events and outings throughout the year.

Invitations are extended to any parent or caregiver who has engaged with A Montessori Nest through programs, workshops or consultations. 

photo of a Montessori space in a home with white shelves, wood elements and flowers.

A Montessori Nest supports parents and caregivers through in-person services and a growing community based in Longmont, Boulder County, Colorado. 


Personal consultations, coaching and workshop delivery services are available across the Front Range and Denver areas as well as online to clients worldwide. 


Most services and events can be adjusted to meet your needs.

  • Siblings and twins or multiples can be accommodated and are charged at a discounted rate

  • Pay what you can rates are available to at least one place per program or event. 

  • Any of the child's family or care team members can join in for programs and consultations

  • Consultations can be conducted in person or online. 

  • Enquires are made about personal accommodations upon registration. 


Please check individual services for any exceptions or specifics. If the event registration form doesn't capture your needs then feel free to email directly or make use of the contact us form.


Meet Tracy

"Respect the child as an individual yet equal and contributing member of your family. Make space for them, have appropriate expectations of them, celebrate and support them." - Tracy Allen

I am an imperfect, still working it all out, mom to three children and have a variety of experience with early childhood Montessori.


Montessori is the first pedagogy that truly respected and sought to understand what children need, without making the assumption that the adults already know. What Maria Montessori learned then, 125 years ago, has stood the test of modern psychology, education, and parenting. 


I trained with Montessori Centre International in London, UK and I've worked in Infant and Children's Houses in both Yorkshire, England and California, USA. But I'm not British. I was actually born and raised in South Africa.


A Montessori Nest, based in Longmont, Colorado, was created five years ago from my desire to work directly with parents and other caregivers of young children.


My aim is for you and the child in your care to experience a safe, peaceful, and inclusive Montessori environment, to work with inviting materials and to witness a child centered mindset.


Whether you fall completely in love with Maria Montessori's insights into children or you resonate with just one or two Montessori principles, I hope to support you in finding what works best for you and for the child in your care.


I invite you to learn in our nest, to tend to your own with confidence. 

Montessori shelf with kitchen tools

Consultation Services

"Tracy has so much experience and skillfulness in hearing the struggles of parents and helping them to understand a compassionate way forward. I have been impressed by her ability to bring forward new strategies based on experience and research to help my family. She is truly a gem!"

- Katie

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